Green & White Faux Bouquet


This gorgeous bouquet is filled with eucalyptus, ranunculus, cow parsley and scabiosa sprays and looks like it has been freshly picked from a summer garden. This bouquet will brighten up your home for years to come. 

Show your loved ones how much you appreciate them with a bunch of luxury faux flowers - a classic floral gift but with a twist! Opting for artificial blooms is a great investment. They are incredibly good value as they will last for years rather than days.

Contains :

X2 Faux Tall eucalyptus 

X1 Faux Scabiosa Spray 

X1 Faux Ranunculus Spray 

X1 Faux Ranunculus Stem

X1 Faux Green Skimmia

X1 Faux Cow Parsley 

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